Victor acted for more than thirteen years as Auctioneer at the Court of Justice of the State of Goiás (2007-2010) and at the Federal Senate (2013-2020). He was Technical Advisor to the Special Commission for Modernization of the Bidding Law, constituted by the Act of the President of the Federal Senate nº 19/2013, responsible for the elaboration of PLS nº 559/2013 (2013-2016). With the enactment of Law nº 14.133/2021, by appointment of the President of the National Congress, he is appointed member of the Management Committee of the National Public Procurement Network, responsible for managing the National Public Procurement Portal (PNCP). He is also a Member of the Brazilian Institute of Administrative Law (IBDA), a lawyer active in Administrative Competition Law and author of the works ‘Licitações e Contras Administrativos: Teoria e Jurisprudência’ (Editora do Senado Federal), ‘Pregão Eletrônico: comentários ao Decreto Federal nº 10.024/2019’ (Editora Fórum) and ‘Licitações e Contratos Administrativos: inovações da Lei nº 14.133/2021’ (Editora Forense). He is also a Postgraduate professor at the Instituto Legislativo Brasileiro (ILB), at IDP and at Instituto Goiano de Direito (IGD).